
Room 1 

10:20 - 11:20 


Talk (60 min)

10 Opinions For Creating More Maintainable .NET Apps

As an application adds more and more features, if you're not careful, it can quickly spiral into becoming the application no one on the team enjoys working on.


This session is structured as a series of lightning talks on various topics to help you improve the maintainability of your .NET applications. We'll discuss libraries and best practices to help with folder structure, validation, ORM's, automated testing, code flow, DevOps, microservices, and more. By the end, you should be able to take a few ideas away that you can start implementing immediately when you get back to work.

Scott Sauber

Scott is a software consultant and primarily does web development using ASP.NET Core and JavaScript. His second dev passion behind web development is building DevOps pipelines and automating everything automatable. He’s a Microsoft MVP, Friend of Redgate and co-organizes the Iowa .NET User Group. You can find Scott on Twitter @scottsauber or on his blog at