
Room 1 

09:00 - 10:00 


Talk (60 min)

Keynote: Decades in the Machine - Meaning and Purpose in Technology

In this keynote session we'll talk about finding your own identity set against the backdrop of a career in technology.


Ways to cope with the eternal tug of war between the work we do for money and the work we do for ourselves.

We'll talk about keeping your identity intact in an unstable job market, and crafting a path focused on doing things you love with computers.

There will be practical career advice, points of reflection, and an optimistic conclusion that helps folks grow through their careers.

David Whitney

David is the founder of Electric Head Software, working as an independent software consultant based in London focusing on iterative software delivery, developer mentoring and cultural change - mostly working with London-based organisations and start-ups.

David has previously served as the chief coding technical architect for JustGiving, and helped market-leading organisations including JUST-EAT, Trainline and Vodafone improve their technical capabilities.

You can find his open source projects on NuGet and GitHub, follow him on Twitter @david_whitney, or check out his technical blog at