
Room 2 

11:30 - 12:30 


Talk (60 min)

Cloudy with a Chance of Mobile

When Micros​oft first launched .NET, the vision was to offer a viable alternative to Java and the JVM - a runtime and associated language(s) that could run anywhere. With MAUI, that original dream is becoming a reality. Whether you're building for cloud, mobile, browser, desktop, IoT devices, servers, embedded systems...the list goes on and on - you can write code in .NET and it will run anywhere. With a dash of .NET, a pinch of Blazor, and a sprinkling of MAUI, you no longer need to React to any funny angles - you can have your .NET cake and eat it too. In this talk, Matt welcomes you into his full stack .NET dream, and shows you how you can build anything in .NET, and run it everywhere.


Matt Goldman

Matt is a Solution Architect, Scrum Master, public speaker, author and trainer.

Matt loves making things and uses that passion to fuel his work with .NET, EF / EF Core, Xamarin, .NET MAUI, Azure and Blazor. Matt (author of .NET MAUI in Action) regularly presents at the .NET User Group in 3 states, has hosted SSW's Xamarin Hack Day and MAUI Hack Day, has presented at the .NET Superpowers Tour, and regularly co-hosts SSW's Clean Architecture Superpowers and Clean Architecture Workshop. Matt has also presented at NDC Sydney.

Drawing on a combination of hands-on experience and enterprise governance practices, Matt is able to make connections between business and technology to deliver user and business focused outcomes.

Matt has worked in IT for 15 years, and in addition to his development work has a background in infrastructure and management and consulting.